[1a] : "memórias de água" – Els Comediants, Barcelona, Spanien. [2] : "rinoceronte" – Royal de Luxe, Nantes, Frankreich. Own photographs 1998
Every day at the early evening a "Pilgrimage" had been starting through the the expo area.
Own photograph 1998.
These "Pilgrimage" was consists of groups of artists from several countries, who argued with the themes of water, ocean, discoverers and their myths and rituals.
This transparent sphere with inhabitant and a "snow-flurry" from time to time belongs to a group of artists form Barcelona.
The highlight of the "Pilgrimage" was the appear of the rhinoceros. His noisy crying sounds to the shore. Also the calling of the crew of this transportation, a group of artists from Nantes in France.